Hardboil eggs and cut them in half lengthwise. Scoop out the
yolk. In the cavity, put some cream cheese and top it off with
an olive making sure the red pimento end is sticking out to resemble
the pupil. If you want it bloodshot, take a toothpick and dip
it into red food coloring and squiggle in some lines.
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Just add some green food coloring or even a heaping handful of
spinach to your favorite soup stock while it’s cooking. Add
the dumplings or egg noodles which will take on the green coloring
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good beef - preferably sirloin, or a mix of beef and pork - cut into
bite-sized cubes: for every pound of meat
o one
large onion, minced
o 4
cloves garlic minced
o 1/2
green pepper chopped
o 1/2
red pepper chopped
o chopped
o 1-2
tablespoons of Hungarian Paprika
o 1
tablespoon tomato paste
o salt
and pepper to taste
o olive
o 4
large potatoes cubed to same size as the meat cubes
o same
amount of carrots cubed to same size as potatoes
o water
or soup stock to cover
the onion, peppers and garlic in the oil until heated through, then
add the cubed meat and "sweat" until the outside of the
meat changes color (don't brown) and moisture comes out of the meat
and vegetables. Add the paprika and mix in - it should be a
deep dark red. Add the tomato paste and water or stock to
barely cover. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add potatoes and carrots. Let simmer on low heat, covered,
until vegetables are tender. Add parsley, salt and pepper to
taste. Add more stock if you like a thinner consistency.
The consistency should be half way between a soup and a stew.
Serve in bowls with lots of fresh, crusty bread for dipping.
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your favorite pasta sauce recipe - adding some red food coloring to
ensure a deep red color rather than the orangey brown shade they
usually turn. Add dark-toned wild mushrooms, sauteed in a bit
of olive oil so they retain their color before adding to the
sauce. Ladle over green spinach fettucine or
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Veal Cutlets
few days in advance of your dinner party, pour a generous
amount of cornflake crumbs into a bowl. Sprinkle with green
food coloring and toss. Repeat until all the crumbs have been
tinted green. Spread on a cookie sheet to dry thoroughly (can
use a 200 degree oven to hasten drying). On the day of the
party, marinate the veal cutlets for about 2 hours in lots of red
food coloring, with a dash of lemon juice, minced garlic, paprika
and cracked pepper. This will stain them a lovely red.
Drain and flour with spiced flour (pepper, paprika, garlic, parsely,
etc. added to flour). Dip in beaten egg and then into the
green cornflake crumbs. Fry quickly in hot oil (canola,
sunflower or peanut oil - olive oil will burn on high heat).
Serve with your favorite green, red, orange and yellow vegetables.
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Take an
8-inch flowerpot lined with plastic wrap (or any other container).
Mix together 3 (3 ½ oz) pkgs. French vanilla instant pudding and 4
cups milk. Blend 2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, 1 stick margarine,
and 1 cup powdered sugar. Combine these two mixtures and add 1 (16
oz.) tub of whipped topping. Crush ½ lb. Oreo cookies in a blender.
Layer the pudding mixture and cookie mixture 3 times in the flower
pot, starting and ending with the cookie mixture. Add some gummi
worms as you go. Top with assorted bugs, ghouls and goblins.
Refrigerate until needed.
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of Worms
o chocolate
o gummy
chocolate pudding into dessert cups, drop in gummy worms.
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o 1
pkg.chocolate chips
o 1
pkg. chow mein noodles
o 1
pkg m&m candies
o maybe
2-4 tablespoons of water depending on how thick you want your
Melt chocolate chips. Stir in chow mein noodles. Drop by
spoonful on sheet of waxed paper
or parchment paper. Add m&m for eyes.
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Mix together cranberry juice, frozen orange juice (with pulp),
gingerale, and some green and blue food coloring to make it an
extremely disgusting grey color. Ice cubes with dimestore
insects frozen into them are a nice touch.
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