Clematis and other Small Vines in Containers
Many varieties of clematis are ideally
suited to container growing. Special care must be given to choosing the
right container, the right support, the right soil and of course the
variety - just right for that special spot. Mandevilla and Passion
Flower, and other tropical vines are suitable for planting in containers
that can overwinter indoors.The minimum size of a suitable container
is 18" wide by 18" high by 18" deep (45cm x 45cm x 45cm).
In picking a container, metal or any material that conducts heat should
be avoided. Stick with pottery, plastic or a long lasting wood like
A potting soil with a high content of
coarse peat moss will help retain moisture but also provide sufficient
drainage. Proper support is very important. If you are going to grow
your clematis against a wall, a trellis of some sort is required. In
lieu of a trellis sweet pea netting stapled to a fence or wall serves as
an inexpensive and effective support. If you wish to have your container
free standing, a tripod of bamboo or cedar stakes works very well.
Or, you can choose one of the metal or heavy-duty plastic or wood
obelisks now available.
for Supporting Vines in Containters |
tripod of strong canes makes a good free standing support.
Many different trellises or obelisks work equally
well. A tower structure like an obelisk is often
heavy and wide enough to go around the pot diameter.
If the vine and it's pot are put into a larger decorative
container, this works well. If put against a wall,
it will withstand wind, too.
your container is large enough, annuals or a ground cover
can be planted on the surface. Feed and water often to
encourage blooms all summer.
root ball should be in the center of the container.
a good potting soil.
sure to allow good drainage.
Garden Roses in Containers

A chorus line
of containerized roses
Choose rose
varieties that are naturally compact. Select a rose
that will stay in scale with the container without much heavy pruning
(see a list of the best roses for pots below).
In terms of size, 24 to 36-inch-wide
containers are ideal. For durability, lean toward cast stone or molded
resin containers. While the popular half-whiskey barrels are a good
size, they tend to decompose in wet climates unless they are heavily
treated with preservatives. Teak is a better wood for durable
Follow the planting steps 2 through 5
above for clematis. Miniature rose climbers are also suitable for
containers, and may require a small trellis or obelisk. See the Selecting
Roses article for Miniature Climbers - in the Climbing Roses