has a yummy turkey recipe that I can’t wait to try!
Word has it that the kitchen staff here are going to make it for us
for Thanksgiving – it will probably be a big hit! This is a sure-fire (and
rapid fire...) recipe indeed.

Mouseover the
to see popcorn stuffing
One Turkey
1 cup melted butter
1 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is good.)
1 cup uncooked popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHER'S LOW FAT)
Salt/pepper to taste.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush turkey well with melted butter, salt, and
pepper. Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place in baking pan with the
neck end toward the back of the oven. Listen for the popping sounds. When
the turkey’s butt blows, the oven door opens, and the turkey flies across
the room, it is done.
And her family says
Bertha can’t cook! Hah!

Mouseover Camp
Cupcake Dining
Hall to see where Ruth went...
The place is really shaping up now that I
have the other ladies convinced of the necessity of maintaining proper
decorum. Sadly it has become my duty to train them on how to live on the
inside. I have gathered up some ingredients from the kitchen once again -
the kitchen staff doesn't know Saffron from demi-glace. But, compared
to the grossly over spiced dishes of hog jowls and turnip greens, they were
ready and willing to try my Thanksgiving feast.
How about another tasty treat?
The warden has so graciously provided us with a recipe for candied
yams from a former inmate Ruth. It just must be included in any Holiday
meal. (Hey warden do I get my
raise now? I can’t do much
with 35 cents an hour you know!)
Boil 6 yams with skin on
in salted water for 20 minutes. Cool.
Remove skins. Cut in ¾”
slices. Arrange in greased
casserole. Make sauce:
1/3 Cup brown sugar (light), 1/3 C granulated white sugar, 1
Tablespoon cornstarch, dash of nutmeg, ¼ teaspoon salt.
Combine alternately in pot with 1 Cup orange juice, stirring
constantly. Lastly add 3
tablespoons butter or margarine. Pour
sauce over the yams and bake for at 375 F for ½ hour.
Sounds good to me even if
I do say so myself and I just did!

Mouseover the
to see the effects...
We have a request from
one of the Our Garden Gang ladies. A
sweet and outspoken member just loves brussels sprouts.
I don’t know why but she does! So here is one of the most requested
recipes from the Camp Cupcake kitchens.
2 lbs ( 1 kg) brussels sprouts
2 small or 1 large red onion or regular cooking onion
3 tbsp ( 45 mL) butter
1 tsp ( 5 mL) celery seed
2 tsp ( 10 mL) ground cumin
1/4 tsp ( 1 mL) hot red chili flakes
1/2 tsp ( 2 mL) salt
ends off sprouts. Cut a small "X" in bottom of each. Bring a large
saucepan of water to a boil. Add sprouts and boil gently, uncovered, just
until a fork can be inserted in base without a lot of resistance, from 6
minutes for small sprouts to 12 minutes for large sprouts. Immediately drain
and rinse with cold water to stop cooking. When chilled, drain well. If
making ahead, store in the refrigerator in a resealable plastic bag for up
to 2 days.
ready to serve, peel onions, slice in half, then thinly slice. Melt butter
in a large deep frying pan. Add onions, seasonings and salt. Stir often over
medium heat, from 5 to 8 minutes, to sweeten onions. Then add sprouts. Cover
and stir often until hot, from 8 to 10 minutes.
ought to get your knickers in a twist eh?

Mouseover to
see the hall decor
I have been so busy here - this place has
needed my decorating skills very badly. I have graciously donated my free
time (while I am doing time!) to the beautifying of this edifice. Now it’s
got the “Mirtha” touch!
Time to slow down a bit. I have learned
about a unique tradition at this facility. On Thanksgiving afternoon, all
the prisoners….er…guests dress up in Pilgrim and native American
costumes and parade up and down the halls. I am looking forward to this,
even though they won’t let us carry real tomahawks! Forget the Macy’s
parade – this is better!
We also have a small garden here. Well
compared to mine it’s small! The gardening ladies have been busy growing
all sorts of squash and gourds and corn. In fact, we are using some gourds,
Indian corn and small pumpkins on a display in a small basket on each table.
The tablecloths are sheets from the laundry room decorated with a sprinkling
of fall leaves over each one.
Bertha has come up with a great suggestion
for place cards. She has been out on the property picking up the fallen pine
cones. She says to insert a small card or paper in the spaces in each cone
so each “guest” knows where to sit. Very inventive!
Well, I must run. I need to finish the
buttonholes on the dress I'm wearing for breakfast. I'll get out the sled
and drive this note to the Warden's office as soon as the glue dries on
the envelope I'll be making. Hope my dinner guests don't stay too long - I
have 40,000 cranberries to string with bay leaves before my counseling
engagement at noon.