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Our Garden Gang's
Ever-Blooming Gardens


We've scoured the garden guides and the web to pull together a group of articles on plants that will keep your garden blooming from the first breath of spring until the first hard frost in fall.  

We've got 40 or so perennials for shade - no more gloomy shady areas!  There's a collection of plants for a romantic moonlight garden that literally glows in the dark.  Next a collection of some 60 long-blooming perennials that will keep your senses aroused throughout the growing season.  

See our collection of annuals and perennials that seed themselves beautifully for a self-planting garden. Don't miss our heady collection of fragrant plants to soothe you day and night. Rounding out the group is our collection of long-blooming annuals, for instant color or mass plantings.  We've added links to our Roses, Edible Flowers, Pond and Bog plants, and Bulbs series for good measure!

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Shade Gardens
Moonlight Gardens
Long-blooming Perennials
Long-blooming Annuals
Fragrant Plants
Low Stress Gardens

Self-Planting Gardens
Bog Plants
Pond Plants
Fragrant Plants
Edible Flowers

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