your Good Bugs a Hand! |
what are they good for? Don't be too hasty - some are
"good bugs." These critters kill the "bad
if you see them around your garden, give 'em a hand - don't chase
them away. Provide some egg-laying areas for them so they'll
stay around and raise a family!
Lacewing larvae are voracious feeders upon aphids and other small
insects, insect eggs, and spider mites. Attract them by planting
pollen and nectar producing flowers.
Lacewing eggs or larvae may be
purchased, but success may require practice. Holding eggs at room
temperature until the larvae begin hatching, then sprinkling them on
plants (about one to five per square foot of garden space), may be
most effective. |
Convergent lady beetles are the most popular natural enemies sold,
although their value is doubtful: they have a natural tendency to
disperse when freed. To keep them around, try wetting plants first,
and releasing beetles on the ground and under plants in the late
evening (the beetles don't fly at night). Lady beetles feed on
aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, or spider mites. One lady beetle
female may eat 2,400 aphids during her life span. |
Too small to be noticeable, these miniwasps don't bother people or
pets. These parasites reproduce by laying their eggs in a pest host
(adult or egg). The immature wasp feeds inside and kills its host,
causing the insect or egg to turn dark. A round hole can be often
seen where the adult parasite has chewed its way out.
Different species may attack aphids, whiteflies, and butterflies or
moths, such as cabbage loopers and hornworms. Many are available for
sale to home gardeners.
Both the larvae and adults of this lady beetle feed on mealybugs.
They may also feed on aphids and immature scale insects. Each adult
female lays hundreds of eggs in mealybug egg masses. When the beetle
larvae hatch, they feed on immature mealybugs.
Mealybug destroyers need warm temperatures and high humidity, so are
better suited for greenhouses. If you purchase them, they are
shipped as adults and should be released as soon as possible. |
These very common garden insects feed on many soil-inhabiting pests
such as cutworms and root maggots. Some types eat slugs and snails.
While shapes and colors may vary widely, they are usually shiny.
Black is a common color, sometimes with a metallic sheen of another
color on their wing covers. Most ground beetles feed at night and
hide in the soil or under debris during the day. |
This aptly-named, vicious-looking bug is a voracious predator of
many garden pests including flies, mosquitoes, beetles and large
caterpillars. Adults measure ½ to one inch long and have a
cone-shaped head and wide curving beak. They can cause a painful
bite to a human if captured. Some species are know to squeak if
Females lay single eggs in cracks, under rocks or in other sheltered
spots in summer, and new adults emerge around the following June.
There is only one generation per year. |
Large and lumbering, black and yellow bumble bee adults are
important pollinators of a variety of plants. Measuring up to one
inch in length, these fuzzy insects make a loud droning buzz as they
fly somewhat awkwardly from flower to flower.
Bumble bees nest in soil or leaf litter where a single queen lays 8
to 12 eggs in spring. Emerging workers are able to fly in very cool
weather, making them a very valuable pollinator. |
This long (1/2 to three inches) many-legged creature is light brown
to black in color and moves quickly. Centipedes have only one leg
per segment. Millipedes, on the other hand, have two per segment.
Centipedes prey on pests and insects in the soil including slugs,
worms and fly pupae. They prefer moist areas in the garden and
compost piles. |
Adults measure ¾-inch long and are fuzzy, with gold and black
stripes and transparent wings. Honey bees can often be identified by
the balls of yellow pollen they carry on the backs of their legs.
Honey bees are an important pollinator of many plants. |
So small (1/4-inch) they are often unnoticed but these little
black-and-white checkered insects are fast-moving and prey upon
thrips, spider mites and small caterpillars.
Grow goldenrod, daisies, yarrow and alfalfa to attract minute pirate
bugs to your garden. |
Adult mites are tiny, about half a millimeter in length, and are
beige to reddish tan. They resemble pest mites but are faster moving
and have fewer hairs.
Predatory mites are valuable predators of pest mites such as spider
and citrus mites, and are sold commercially for use on house plants,
in greenhouses and on orchards and farms. |
These fascinating insects may resemble a tiny scorpion when they
hold the tip of their abdomen up in the air. They are fast moving
and measure 1/10 to one inch long. Depending upon species, rove
beetles prey upon aphids, apringtails, mites, nematodes, slugs,
snails, fly eggs and maggots. They also eat and help break down
decaying organic material. |
Resembling house flies, tachnid flies are 1/3 to 1/2 inch in length
and may be brown, gray or black in color. There are many species,
many of which are predators of pest caterpillars including cutworms,
codling moths, tent caterpillars, cabbage loopers and gypsy moth
Attract these valuable flies by planting flowers, and herbs such as
dill, parsley and Queen Anne's Lace. |
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