Magi's Bring it on Home

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Magi's 'Bring It On Home'
Decorating from the Garden

Come on Home!

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It's a good thing...that I'm not Martha.

When I say "bring it on home" I mean it - go out there and find it - dig it up, cut it off, round it up, and bring it on home!

We'll cover everything and anything to do with recycling plants from your garden to do all kinds of things - from feeding the horses to decorating the house and yard.

Decorating on a Shoestring
Makin Hay
Dog Daze of Summer
Now We Are Four!
Dried Flower Baskets
A Bit o' Blarney
Save that Trash

Buy it (if you can't make it!)

Home ] Decorating on a Shoestring ] Makin Hay ] Dog Daze of Summer ] Now We Are Four! ] Dried Flower Baskets ] A Bit o' Blarney ] Save that Trash ]

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