Invitations |
for Invitations
We'll cover "news"
style invitations here - Newspaper themed
invitation, Scroll type invitations and TV
Guide type invitations with a few examples. Remember,
invitations should be sent at least two weeks in advance of the party
date, and longer if the party is held during the busy fall to Christmas
Style Invitations:
This type of invitation works for just about any theme party. Make
it interesting by keeping a feel for the theme or the reason you have the
something about the theme of the party in the "Headline" -
big and bold:
In the
"article" part, state the party information (date, time,
etc.) and any other specifics.
Roll it up like a paper
and wrap in brown paper, then address it.
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Type Invitations:
are perfect for formal or medieval theme parties. Wedding-style
invitations are perfect for that formal touch. Here's how to make
medieval type scrolls:
Use parchment paper.
Type using script font
or write (calligraphy pen) the invitation information.
Get clever with the
wording such as "Here ye, here ye to all lads and lasses:
Thou shouldst come to the Land of the Lord (name the lord) and his
good wife (name).
On top of the paper put
a crest or family emblem - (purchased from the party or an office
supply store).
Roll up the scroll and
tie with raffia.
Stuff into paper towel
rolls (collected up in advance) and staple the ends shut.
Address using medieval
or "formal" looking address labels.
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Guide Style Invitations:
works well with TV or Movie theme parties. Follow the TV Guide format on
the cover to announce the party date and general information - don't be
afraid to get cutesy.
On the other side or the inside of the invitation, use the TV Guide
listing format to note the scheduled events during the party.
Use the time slots for
the details, for example:
5:00 pm
People Prepare, starring (name of guest)
5:30 pm The
Hostess Panics, starring (you)
6:00 pm The
Arrival, all-star cast
and so on for times
of games, meals, etc.
You can also put a few
"suggestions" under various time slots to get people's
creative juices flowing, for example:
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